Tips : Healthy Lips


I believe everyone in this world wants to have healthy lips no matter wheter you are female or male. Am I right? 

So, hari ni i would like to share some of my tips on how nak dapatkan healthy lips. But before that, healthy kat sini bukan maksudnya you have bibir yang super merah or even plum lips acah2 kylie jenner haha! Healthy yg what i try to say is bibir yang tak kering and nice colour.

I've tried some of these tips and alhamdullilah, it works! so, lets start.

Cara pertama:

1.Korang ambil colgate.
2. Sapukan kat bibir. 
3. Biarkan abt 10-15 minit.

Make sure you guys ambil sikit ja dulu and try apply on your lips. If your lips react negatively to it (pedih) PLEASE IMMEDIAATELYYY CUCI AND DONT DO THIS!

Cara kedua:
1.Ambik madu.
2.Sapukan pada bibir sebelum tidur.
3.Bangun pagi, cuci bibir.

I've tried this one. My lips memang jenis yang kering. But after amalkan this one, my lips started getting better. But, i mix with sugar and hints of olive oil to get rid of dead cell on my lips.
It works better if guna original honey. But, i use yang kat supermarket jerrr as i know yang original quite pricey.

Disclaimer: What works on me might not works on you. So, try first and see the result. Jagan lupa minum air kosong banyak2 EVERYDAY as it helps dari segi dalaman. Lastly, Goodluck!

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